Why Cri8ive

Cri8ive (from creative) is the result of well over twenty years of experience as a digital content creator. Way back in 2001 I started dabbing into graphic design and web design; little did I know that it was just the tip of the iceberg!

Over time I taught myself the intricacies of SEO and learned how to develop and code a fully responsive design, became quite proficient as a copywriter, and (re)discovered a love for animation and videomaking that was rooted deep in my past (maybe someday I'll tell you more about this on my personal blog). In my free time, I indulged my unbashed love of color as a digital artist.

After a long series of collaborations with various digital venues, in 2024 I felt that it was time for my very own digital brand - Cri8ive - to finally see the light.

The services offered by Cri8ive range from fully customizable web design solutions to digital and print graphic design, professional logo creation, art commissions, copywriting, editing, audio and video production, custom merchandising and much more.

My creativiy is vivid, no less than the plumage of a macaw (hence Cri8ive's logo!), and communication is the canvas I use to give life and shape to your projects.

You can contact me on any of my Social profiles that you find below. Alternatively, you can fill out this form and submit a request, and I will get back to you in a timely way.

Do you have a digital project you want to see developed? Reach out - I'm looking foward to help!

My Digital Skills

Front-End Developer

Front-End Development

All Cri8ive websites are conform to W3C standards and developed with HTML5, XHTML, JQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, PHP/MySQL and CMS.



I take full advantage of cascading stylesheets for my web design services. My CSS code is W3C compliant, responsive, and tested for browser compatibility.


SEO Specialist

I am specialized in SEO optimization, Web Marketing, site ranking and linkbuilding services for better search engine positioning.



Cri8ive DOES NOT make use of Artificial Intelligences (like Midjourney, ChatGPT, DALL-E etc). I do no accept requests of AI generated content.

My Social Networks

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Web Design

Web Design

  • Professional design & development for websites, blogs and landing pages
  • E-commerce development
  • CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Magento)
  • Newsletter Design
  • Website revamping
All websites and platforms powered by Cri8ive are SEO-optimized and have been tested for W3C accessibility standards, earning several prestigious awards over the years.
Currently, Cri8ive does not offer Cyber Security and App development services

Servizi Editoriali

Editorial Services

  • Copywriting / Ghostwriting
  • Press Release
  • SEO-optimized product pages and landing pages
  • Layout and format for books, novels, senior thesis and CV/resumes
  • Proofreading services
  • Ebook conversion (ePub, Mobi, PDF)
  • Professional translation
Cri8ive editing services are available in Italian and English.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

  • Logos Design & Revamping
  • Custom business cards
  • Print design for Flyers, posters, stickers, brochure
  • Digital graphics for Social Networks
  • Customized CD/DVD Label
  • Cover Design for books, magazines and booklets
Additionally, Cri8ive offers bookcards, bookmarks and assorted promotional contents for emerging authors.



  • Bespoke video commercials and highlights
  • Video editing services
  • Animated music videos
  • Booktrailer per emerging authors
  • Motion comics
Currently Cri8ive does not offer live streaming contents (Instagram, Youtube, Twitch, OnlyFans)
Social Media Marketing & Management

Social Media Marketing & Management

  • Social Media Manager: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, X, TikTok
  • Scheduled Reels and Stories contents
  • Social Media Marketing Ads campaigns
  • Crowdfunding / Fundraising
Live coverage of events is also available on request.


  • Digital illustrations (color, greyscale, B&W)
  • Portraits (people & animals)
  • Landscapes and visuals
  • Concept artwork, character sheets, turnaround and token
  • Comic sequences (also available in motion comic format)
Cri8ive also offers digital inking and coloring services for artists and artistic teams who may be looking for collaborations.


  • Custom gadgets and merchandising with your unique logo
  • Wearables and apparel lines
  • Gift ideas for ceremonies, events, giveaway and meetings
  • Playing cards and custom tarots design
  • Gameboards and concept artwork for tabletop games
  • Packaging solutions & labels design
Merchandising requests may present additional costs due to third-party services involved in the production process (typography, shipping, etc)

Cri8ive Network

Cri8ive is also a hub for several satellite projects that have defined my online presence over the years.

Click the icons below and explore the dazzling shades of the Cri8ive Network!

Cri8ive Art    Cri8ive Videos     Cri8tive Blog   

A co-authored, highly metaphoric sci-fi graphic novel with Lovecraftian influences, currently in development.


Coming Soon

Cri8ive Portfolio

Click or tap the thumbnails, or use the arrows to navigate my portfolio.

Contact Cri8ive

Phone number: